The first new monster for our blog is a basic low-point monster that we like to call a “Wizard.”

As you can see, a Wizard appears to be a human male, wearing piecemeal armor (here, it’s made of bone) and carrying a magic staff. There are many different Wizards in the universe though, so it may be that your Wizard is slightly different.

Wizards are noted for their intelligence and lore. They spend most of their time pursuing magical knowledge, to the exclusion of most other disciplines.

Wizards attack with magic, which explains their bonus point of FireDamage. Wizards are not terrifically powerful though, and in total have only 12 points.

As you can see in the picture, Wizards have only 4 HitPoints and 2 points of Guard. That makes them a slightly weak creature.

But Wizards are not known for combat ability. Their job is to strike as soon as they can, deliver as much damage as they can, top it off with a small magical burst, and then wait out their turn.

They do have an Attack rating of 5 though, which means they have a good chance of causing some damage … to most monsters of equal power.

The Wizard was created in June 2011 by KBD and Takeru, age 8.

That’s all for today. We have a lot of new monsters to share, and for the present we’ll probably add one a day to this page. Have fun!