Many commanders are hesitant to enter an Angel Shaman in battle.

Angel Shaman

The reason is plain: An Angel Shaman is so exceedingly rare that they are prized and saved for massive, sweeping wars between armies.

The odd part of that is, an Angel Shaman is probably the unit best suited for combat that features the Heal ability.

Other monsters that feature Heal — like the Hatena Robot and Repairbot — are either weak or impractical in battle situations.

Neither of those can really manage a full-press combat.

But an Angel Shaman, with a measurable defensive ability, solid Attack rating and a decent number of Hit Points, is better suited to low-level battles than either of the robots.

So the irony of that situation is clear: Here is the strongest unit to date that features the Heal power, it can stand on its own in battle … but it’s rare to see it because it’s too valuable to the commanders who have them.


In any case, scholars or spectators who would like to spot an Angel Shaman in battle will have the best chance by attending matches featuring Angel Fighters.

But even then, the chance is slim.