If you recall, the term “Boss” in Battle Monsters usually denotes an ordinary animal or creature which shows not only unusual size or strength, but also a level of intelligence beyond its peers.

In most cases, “Boss” monsters aren’t necessarily more magical or better equipped, just exceptional specimens in one way or another.

Boss Monkey

The Boss Monkey is a good example of that, although the name itself is terribly inaccurate.

Boss Monkeys are not monkeys — they lack tails, and are much too heavy to be considered monkeys.

Instead, these are unusually powerful alpha males, with a level of cunning that isn’t seen in ordinary gorillas.

They are terrifically aggressive animals, and will attempt to assert themselves against anything that resembles a primate — to include some anthropomorphic creatures or robots.

That natural tendency toward domination is coupled by an unusual level of strength and speed. Hence, the Fast rating.

Most frightening is their bellowing and howling as they strike out at enemies, pummeling with their heavy fists or tearing with their fingernails.

The racket doesn’t qualify for a Fear bonus, but it does serve to intimidate.

Ultimately though, these enormous primates are just animals — they can’t intelligently communicate, don’t have a complex social order or employ weapons of any sort.

Left alone, they’re content to search out food and enjoy their lives in peace.

Nonoka, 6, created the Boss Monkey.